Weekly Photo Challenge: Numbers


Magic Square

The door of the Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain) is full of engraved words in various languages taken from the Bible. This Magic Square stands out among the words. The numbers in each row, and in each column, and in the diagonals, all add up to a magic constant of 33, the age of Jesus Christ at the crucifixion.

33? I am always tempted to verify that again and again.

16 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Numbers

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Numbers | Musings of a Random Mind

  2. Pingback: Numbers (Blitzkrieg Memorial) | What's (in) the picture?

  3. Mabel Kwong

    Wonderful interpretation of this week’s challenge, Jeremy. Really like how you framed this shot with the cube of numbers to the left and the other symbols take up the rest of the shot. There is always more to a story than just a single point or object in time.


    1. Jeremy Post author

      Thanks, Mabel. It’s a no-brainer kind of framing from the photography rule-book … always place the subject off-center, lol. Glad that you like my interpretation … AGAIN πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Amy

    Brilliant interpretation, Jeremy!!! 33, Wow!
    I want to kick myself for missing two of your recent posts in a row. I kept relying on WP reader πŸ™„



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